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KT Blackburn Affair

We believe that KT has all the necessary traits to make a lasting, positive impact on the APHA industry. He is truly an Asset to the breed and will be an Asset to your individual program (no matter its size or goal) and here is why:

- Soundness: KT is not shod and has not had joint injections despite showing still at the age of 9 at APHA shows in multiple disciplines (halter, English, Western and NRCHA). This used to be common place many years ago, but today’s show horses seem to automatically require shoes (often with some form of correction) and regular joint injections at a young age. We believe KT's conformation and natural movement make it so he doesn’t have to work as hard to move in a manner that not only catches the eye, but that wins. This puts less stress on his feet and joints and allows him to remain sound without all the extras. We believe he can improve on your mare in both form and function, creating a more sound foal.

- Versatility: KT literally does it all. He has won APHA points in Halter, Ranch Riding and Speed Events as well as earning money in NRCHA. Again, it used to be common place for a single Paint horse to be shown in halter, western, English, gymkhana, and even cattle events. However, horses have become more specialized in the past few decades and it is rare to come across a horse who even competes across multiple disciplines, much less wins at them. If you want to add lift to your mare for HUS, hock for reining, and correct conformation for performance halter, KT is the horse for you. Let’s work together to bring versatility back to the breed!

- Intelligence: KT is smart and independent. He knows his job, wants to please, and he’s a quick learner. We already see him passing his brains on to his foals. Talented and smart with loads of try!

- Quietness: KT is a true gentlemen. I started him and I never once felt he was dangerous to be around as a stallion. We had a plan to show and breed him. His quiet mind convinced us it was even possible to keep him in tact. We get compliments at the shows with how quiet and laid back he is.

- Topline: KT has the short, even back we all breed for and he is balanced, balanced, balanced. He grew very evenly all along, and easy to begin riding at two. And boy is he passing this on! Just look at the photos of his babies and they are all very balanced and even! We are particularly proud of this as we believe there will always be a market for selling his babies (no hiding them in the back stall during that weird weanling and long-yearling phase).

- Pretty Factor: KT is well put together and he’s definitely a head turner. So far, he tends to throw less than 50% white on his babies (with some very fancy minimals) and he is giving them his correct, balanced conformation, bone and gorgeous babydoll head! When talent mixes with pretty, it creates a horse that stands out for all the right reasons in the show pen and in the field.

- Color: KT is homozygous for the black gene - meaning none of his foals will be red. While APHA is working hard to reduce risk for breeders (measures we support), there is one thing that no rule change can alter: Color is color. If you want something that stands out from the sea of red horses, KT will give you that!

- Six-Panel Negative: KT genetic tests are clean! He does not carry any of the big six genetic diseases APHA requires testing for, nor is he a carrier of any less-common diseases currently tested for. Not only is there no color risk, if your mare is also clean, there is no disease risk when breeding to KT.

At the end of the day, we believe KT will produce something quiet enough for the youth or amateur rider and talented enough for the big-name trainer. He can give you the easy-going do-it-yourselfer that you take to local shows, or the versatile champion that you campaign with a trainer. KT is the type of stallion that asks you what direction you want to go, and we believe the sky is the limit for his offspring. Send us a message, get to know KT and let’s make you a baby you won’t want to sell!

He is siring futurity money earners and his foals as proving themselves in the show pen!

Stud Fee $650

        Live Cover/Shipped Semen


6 Panel Negative

Homozygous Black

APHA Point Earner

NRCHA money earner

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